Contact Lepo-Lepse

Lepo-Lepše antiaging centre is located in a pleasant spot at the centre of Banovo Brdo, near Ada Mall, an agreeable and dynamic quarter of Belgrade. It lies opposite a popular market and close to many shops including a 24/7 pharmacy.

The centre can be reached quickly and easily from anywhere in the city. For mothers with children, there is a children’s playroom just 100m away, where you can leave your kids to have fun while you enjoy your treatment.


You can use several channels of digital communication, choose the one that suits you best:

You can schedule a treatment or get a free consultation through any of the digital communication channels.


  Kozačinskog 2, Banovo brdo, Beograd
(street near Ada Mall, between TC Beteks and Šumadija hotel)

  Working hours:
Mon-Fri 12:00-21:00, Sat 12:00-17:00
(exclusively with an appointment for treatment or consultation)

Čukarica public parking house (works 24/7), Šumadijski trg, opposite Čukarica town hall. There are also free parking spaces in the surrounding streets, which are not zoned.

  Public transport:
You can use all the public transport lines (buses and trams) that pass Banovo brdo through the main street Požeška. get off at the stop of the primary school Josif Pančić.

Trams: 12 and 13; busses 23, 37, 51, 52, 53, 58 to the city centre
Bus 49 to Banjica
Bus 88 and 85 to New Belgrade
Bus 85 to Borča over New Belgrade

Lepo-Lepse - where to find us